
College Library provides access to all reference collections including encyclopaedias, yearbooks, dictionaries, atlas, biographies, competition books and reports etc. All these reference books are for consultation only.Newspaper reading Huts and magazine stands are provided for the readers on each floorThe College Library is administered by the Library Committee. The Librarian holds the position of Member Secretary while the teachers-in-charge of all the Departments of the College are the members of the Library Committee. The Staff Council of the College elects a Convener of the Library Committee. The tenure of Convener and teachers-in-charges are one year. Being a statuary body of the library, it gives its recommendations for the betterment of the Library and its services from time to time. The college Library acquires books and reading resources on the recommendations of the Teachers-in-charge of the various departments of the College. Some of the general and reference books needed by the library are purchased by the Librarian in consultation with the convener of the Library Committee.
